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History of our Pastors

Hugh H. Pershing-1867-1870

George W. Carnage-1870-1872

Asbury C. Johnson-1872-1875

Joseph H Henry-1875-1876

John W. McIntyre-1876-1878

Robert J. White-1878-1879

William A. Stuart-1879-1882

Albert R. Cameron-1882-1885

William A. Stuart-1885-1890

Simon P. Woolf-1890-1894

George S. Holmes-1984-1896

Josiah E. Kidney-1896-1898

Robert D. McKee-1898-1901

Nathaniel P. Kerr-1901-1904

Samuel M. Mackey-1904-1907

Alexander E. Husted-1907-1911

Mark A. Riggs-1911-1916

John C. Burnsworth-1916-1921

William F. Seitter-1921-1925

John W. Hall-1925-1926

William T. Robinson-1926-1931

Frank J. Sparling-1931-1935

George M. Hartung-1935-1939

Graham E. Chandler-1939-1945

Ralph E. Spangler 1945-1948

Lester M. Bonner-1948-1953

John C. Cox-1953-1957

Taylor H. Carson-1957-1958

Robert G. Krouse-1958-1962

Clifford E. Stollings-1962-1966

Clarence P. Dalton-1966-1968

Victor L. Redfoot-1968-1973

Charles F. Olson, Jr.-1973-1985

Merrett H. Edner-1985-1993

David D. Wilson, Jr.-1993-2003

Debra D. Rogosky-2003-2006

Keith H. Lohr-2006-2009

Robert K. Moffat-2009-2012

John E. Emigh-2012-2017

Ronald L. Emry-2017 to 2019

Lola Turnbull-2019-2021

Kyle Eisenhuth-2021-2022

Jason Schweinberg-2021-Present

Adam Sweigart-2022-Present


Our Church History

1867 The first congregation meets in an old log structure school house on Norris Street, on the south side of the community of Derry Station.  Later the community becomes known as Derry Borough.  The church is now known as the Derry Methodist Episcopal Church.

1869 The congregation moves to the brick schoolhouse on the corner of Third and North Ligonier Streets. 

1876 Col. George C. Anderson of Latrobe constructs our current building.  Dedication is held in December.

1882 Church bell is cast in Baltimore and then is mounted atop the church.

1884 Parsonage is built by George W. Strickler. Contract price for parsonage is $1400.

1895 The Derry Station Church becomes an independent corporation and is no longer part of the New Derry Charge.

1900 Church is remodeled by George Mowry.

1902 First edition of The Church Tidings is printed. Five hundred copies of this little church paper are “distributed gratuitously through the church, the Sunday School, and the Epworth League.”

1913 The congregation is incorporated under the name of First United Episcopal Church of Derry.  Also, the church building is elevated three and a half feet (at a cost of $350) to allow for the installation of a basement area for the Sunday School classes and social activities.

1915 J.E. Piper is the first member of the congregation to become an ordained minister.

1939 The Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal (South) and Methodist Protestant Churches are reunited and we become Derry First Methodist Church.

1953 More remodeling occurs which includes wall-to-wall carpeting in the sanctuary, re-leading of the stained glass windows and painting.

1967 Centennial (100 years) Celebration takes place in September.

1968 The Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren Churches merge and we become Derry First United Methodist Church.

1975 Co-op market is formed and is held in parsonage garage.  “Bus ministry” is started.

1977 Ground is broken for the educational unit which contains five classrooms, nursery, choir room, office, study, restrooms and a new kitchen.  Stained glass work of art surrounding door on back side of church is a gift from the estate of Arthur and Lulu Lazzelle.

1985 Rainbow Connection Puppet ministry travels throughout the community.

1986 Derry First partners with three other churches in the community and creates the Derry Food Pantry.

1989 Mortgage Burning Celebration is held.  Money is raised by making and selling submarine sandwiches.  The addition is given the name “The House That Subs Built”.

1993 Property is purchased for new parking lot.

1995 Parking lot is completed and additional property is purchased for lot extension and play area for children.

2002 Handicapped ramp to basement is added.

2014 Derry First joins with Hillside Methodist Church and becomes a two point charge.

2014 New parsonage is built on property located at 150 E. 3rd Street that the church inherited from longtime members,  Ed and Rae McCaulley.  Old parsonage beside the church is torn down due to lead and radon readings as well as structural concerns.

2016 Church property is landscaped and a small play area is created between church and garage.

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